Examples-0.1.0: Haskell code examples
Simple Haskell code examples and experiments.
- Cards Examples of pattern synonyms using playing cards.
- Contravariant Explore contravariant functors.
- Defunc A simple example of defunctionalisation .
- FuncType Types with functions as values.
- Greeting Effective Haskell module example.
- Months Type class example.
- MyFreeMonad
- Nullable Effective Haskell exercise.
- PolyList Polymorhic list.
- RankNTypes Abstracting function types with RankNTypes.
- Selector Using Higher Kinded Types with your own Types and Classes.
- ShowFile Effective Haskell exercises, Chapter 7 Understanding IO.
- Singletons Examples of the singleton data type.
- Strings Example string functions.