Examples-0.1.0: Haskell code examples
Copyright© Frank Jung 2023
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




This is from a talk by Richard Eisenberg about Generalized Abstract Data Types.

Singletons are a useful work-around for dependent types in Haskell. Singletons can be used for:

  1. reflection
  2. reification
  3. promoting function values to become functions on types
  4. defunctionalization (turning functions into data)

A key benefit is the ability to move runtime errors into compile time errors.

Type erasure In Haskell, types only exist at compile-time, for help with type-checking. They are completely erased at runtime.


From Tweag YouTube channel specifically Richard Eisenberg's series on Haskell.

See also:

  1. singletons: Basic singleton types and definitions
  2. singletons-base: A promoted and singled version of the base library
  3. Dependently Typed Programming with Singletons (PDF)
  4. Introduction to Singletons by Justin Le

Returning different types does not work

However, returning different types does not work. For example, one way to define a function that returns different types depending upon the SingT parameter.

But this does not work because the t type is not known at compile time. It should return a type t not a type 'Maybe a' constructor which has no arguments.

one :: SingT t -> t
one SInt       = 1
one SBool      = True
one (SMaybe _) = Just ()


data SingT t where Source #

SingT is a example of a Singleton type. This is an indexed type.

This gets compiled as:

data SingT t
  = (t ~ Int) => SInt
  | (t ~ Bool) => SBool
  | forall a. (t ~ Maybe a) => SMaybe (SingT a)
  | forall a. (t ~ [a]) => SList (SingT a)
  | (t ~ ()) => SUnit
  | forall a b. (t ~ (a -> b)) => SArrow (SingT a) (SingT b)
  | forall a. (t ~ Wrapper a) => SWrapper (SingT a)


SArrow :: SingT a -> SingT b -> SingT (a -> b) 
SBool :: SingT Bool 
SInt :: SingT Int 
SList :: SingT a -> SingT [a] 
SMaybe :: SingT a -> SingT (Maybe a) 
SUnit :: SingT () 
SWrapper :: SingT a -> SingT (Wrapper a) 


Instances details
Show (SingT t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Singletons


showsPrec :: Int -> SingT t -> ShowS #

show :: SingT t -> String #

showList :: [SingT t] -> ShowS #

newtype Wrapper a Source #

A very simple newtype wrapper.





Instances details
Show a => Show (Wrapper a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Singletons


showsPrec :: Int -> Wrapper a -> ShowS #

show :: Wrapper a -> String #

showList :: [Wrapper a] -> ShowS #


zero :: SingT t -> t Source #

Zero: This function can return difference types, depending upon the SingT parameter.


>>> zero SInt
>>> zero SWrapper SBool
>>> zero (SMaybe SInt)

eqSingT :: SingT t -> SingT t -> Bool Source #

Define equality for each Singleton type.

convertViaInt :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b Source #

Example of specified and inferred types. This is from "Effective Haskell, Specified and Inferred Types" by Rebecca Skinner.


When the type is specified in the signature, then we have un-bracketed terms:

λ>  :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
λ> :t convertViaInt
convertViaInt :: forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

However, when the type is inferred, then we have bracketed terms: (Inferred when the type is not specified in the signature.)

λ> :t convertViaInt
convertViaInt :: forall {a} {b}. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

You can mix these two styles:

λ> :set -XTypeApplications
λ> :set -XExplicitForAll
convertViaInt :: forall {a} b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
convertViaInt x = fromIntegral $ fromIntegral _ Int x

λ> :t convertViaInt @Double 100